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Letters by a modern St. Ferdinand III about cults

Gab@StFerdinandIII -

Plenty of cults exist - every cult has its 'religious dogma', its idols, its 'prophets', its 'science', its 'proof' and its intolerant liturgy of demands.  Cults everywhere:  Corona, 'The Science' or Scientism, Islam, the State, the cult of Gender Fascism, Marxism, Darwin and Evolution, Globaloneywarming, Changing Climate, Abortion...

Tempus Fugit Memento Mori - Time Flies Remember Death 

Archive - July 2023

Globaloney Boiling. The $cientism of ‘Klimat’

Getting more hysterical and desperate by the year. Agenda 2030

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$cientism is premised on many factors, the corporate fascism and alliance of government and business and their control of media and ‘science’. The corporatist control of key institutions (education, all agencies, research), and the creation of an enemy, real or imagined (Corona, Klimat, Christians etc).  The control of governance is effected by a small cadre (a party, a few elite) using a thin and obviously corrupted ‘science’ to justify the objectives (Nazi-Darwinism and Racialism, Communist-dialectical-material-Marxism and Lysenkoism).  To control the fearful, gullible and believing masses, endless terror and propaganda are used.  Coercion is the mainspring of totalitarian control, and the propaganda reinforces this, as Hannah Arendt wrote back in 1951 (The Origins of Totalitarianism):

“Totalitarian propaganda raised ideological scientificality and its technique of making statements in the form of predictions to a height of efficiency of method and absurdity of content because, demagogically speaking, there is hardly a better way to avoid discussion than be releasing an argument from the control of the present and by saying that only the future can reveal its merits.”


This is an apt description of what must be termed the Eco-Gaia-Fascism of the Cult of Warm, now Boiling, due to the trace chemical plant food, and man’s 5% contribution.  No more absurd theory exists, surpassing that even of a Corona ‘pandemic’ or its ‘virus’ being spread through airborne contact (viruses don’t survive outside a host).


WEF, UN and Agenda 2030

The World Economic Forum was created by the CIA in 1969-70 at Harvard hiring the Rothschild married Klaus Schwab, whose father was a Nazi, as its public leader.  The WEF is part of the US’ New World Order or Global Dictatorship, and one of its mandates is to control, infiltrate and influence not only G20 governments, but also the UN.  This objective has been achieved, with G20 governments, the UN and the WEF all marching in lockstep, arms swinging, singing the same Horst Vessel gospel. 


Central to the WEF’s mission is the ‘Klimat Krisis’.  The execrable and ridiculous books put out by Schwab and his group (The 4th Industrial Revolution 2016, Covid-19 and the Great Reset 2020), always feature the Klimat-Emergency as the central galvanising issue for mankind.  All policies, all decisions must be taken in the light of the non-existing Klimat-crisis. (photo below from the ‘Great Reset’, basically this page is all you need to understand their intentions)



Agenda 2030

The UN’s Agenda 2030 is a copy of the WEF’s agenda which also (just by coincidence) targets 2030 as the end date to transform everything.  Using totemic totalitarian wordsmithing, they emphasise empowering women, ending poverty and ‘solving’ the non-existent Klimat-emergency.  The last is the most important item, leading to a complete ‘reset’ of life and the ending of hydro-carbon usage.  This is why these charlatans, criminals, frauds, a-scientific fascists are in such a hurry, and why the propaganda becomes more lurid and more insane every passing year.  2030 is 6.5 years away.  Time runs short.  The propaganda and terror will accelerate.


UN: Hottest July Evah

To fake news media ejaculation, the UN declared July 2023 the hottest month evah.  This is a lie.  

We have 140 years of measurements, and it is impossible to reach back into time and determine a month, day or even a yearly temperature mean globally.

The 1930s were much hotter.

There is no global temperature which is measured properly, and even so, the mean average is still around 15C.

Plant food has no impact on normal, cyclical, climatic events and systems.

Plant food falls out of climate convection systems.

Past epochs had 10-50x the Co2 concentration yet far colder temperatures (there is no link between plant food and future ‘climate’ whatever that word means)

Humans are a trace emitter of plant food, a chemical necessary for life which makes oxygen.  Why is that a problem?

Greenhouse gases and ‘trapping heat’ offends basic thermodynamics and is scientifically illiterate as a theory.

Climate-Gate and the release of documents and emails in 2011, 2019 proved the Klimat-emergency was a hoax.

The UN IPCC is not a scientific body.  It is a political group.

The Klimat Models are junk.  So too is the Hockey Stick which attempts to eliminate the medieval warm and little age periods.

Florida’s ‘record’ July 2023 offshore oceanic temperature measurement is another fraud.

Palermo’s July 2023 ‘record’ of 47C, was cited from a station at the airport, in the middle of the city in the afternoon.  As anyone with half a brain knows, the urban heat effect is 3-4C, meaning that it was not a record, and has no global significance  More here

Georgian-era medical Quackery and ‘Professional Medicine’.

The template for the Victorian and Modern. From 'Tartars' to Corona.

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Longue durée

One striking feature of the modern totalitarianisms (real and nascent) centred on pandemics and climate, is that their ancestry goes deep into the past.  In the case of ‘airborne viral diseases and pandemics’, one can go back over 300 years to see where medical and drug totalitarianism began.  Modern Scientism, as evidenced with Corona or Climate, namely the alliance of government, corporations, propaganda, media and (false) $cience, has deep roots back to the Victoria and Georgian ages.  Much of ‘modern science’, which is used as a pretext for state intervention (Statism) and coercive governance is premised on faulty and unscientific Victoria and Georgian dogma – gospels that do not tolerate being challenged.  Climate nonsense for example can be dated back to the 1880s and unscientific theories on the role of carbon dioxide and ‘greenhouse’ gases (another myth).


In reading through the history of ‘medicine’ and the Georgian era (roughly 1714-1830), it is clear that Victorian ‘medicine’ (1830-1901), was simply a more professional and thorough extension of Georgian-era quackery.  Today’s pharmaceutical-drug industry, built on the foundations of the Victorian, is in large measure an industry producing unhealthy potions for profits – much as it was during the Victorian and Georgian periods. 


Plus ca change?

There are significant differences between the 3 eras including the medical-drug industry’s growth and size, the sophistication of techniques, the types of ingredients, the technology applied, the marketing and distribution systems deployed, along with the profits accrued.  However, everything we see today in the government-pharmaceutical complex, including graft, fraud, false claims, propaganda, death and injury, sick populations, and the general failures of modern medicine and drugs, is easily recognisable in the 18th century.  The Corona fascism of 2020-2022, in which the corporate fascism of government and pharma was implemented on a global scale abetted by a beguiled, gullible and ignorant mass (Desmet’s ‘mass formation’) seems almost inevitable when viewing the longue durée of history.


Georgian Medical Orthodoxy ie Quackery

During the 1700s in England a ‘professional’ system and hierarchy around ‘medicine’ was established, which was copied by other nations.  First and most importantly there was the ‘College of Physicians’, secondly the ‘Incorporation of Surgeons’ and third, the ‘Apothecaries' Company’ (or drug dispensers in shops).  


In terms of practitioners, doctors were supposed to study at university, but many like Saint Edward Jenner simply bought their degree.  Those who practised medicine were called ‘physics’ (physician) and these comprised the notorious quacks such as Jenner and his ilk, who sold services and remedies at a price.  Surgeons existed, though most were simple and barbaric focusing on de-limbing, and were usually trained as apprentices, or at a university.  The apothecary was the store proprietor and the forerunner of modern apothecaries and pharmacies. 


Jostling around and within these 3 groups, were a wide range of naturopathic, homeopathic, ‘alternative’ and traditional practitioners.  Sage-women, midwives, nurses, cow-doctors, horse-doctors, chemists, grocers, itinerant pedlars, and more were all active, always for a fee.  For the average person living between 1714 and 1830, soliciting solutions and cures, there was precious little to choose from between the licensed and unlicensed dispensers of medical remedies.


The Quack

'Quack' was and is a term of abuse.  It is akin to heretic, idiot, criminal.  Georgian physicians used the term when describing those outside the 3 formal levels of medicinal hierarchy mentioned above.  The term indicated the man or woman to be a fraud, a cheat.  Dr


Samuel Johnson's 1755 Dictionary defines the quack:

A boastful pretender to arts which he does not understand. 2. A vain boastful pretender to physic, one who proclaims his own Medical abilities in public places. 3. An artful, tricking practitioner in Physic.


Most medical historians such as L.R.C. Agnew have viewed quacks in the same light:

I find it difficult to be objective about quackery – even quackery in seventeenth-century England. I do not like quacks; indeed, I despise them, and while I recognise that an occasional quack remedy or belief has been imported into orthodox medicine, I cannot evince the least sympathy for the breed, those crab lice that have feasted parasitically on the body medical since the very beginning of recorded medical history'.


In reality Agnew is condemning all of medicine in the Georgian era.

Quacks are thus generally regarded as frauds. The problem with the word quack and its implication, is that it is impossible to separate the usual litany and gospel of the ‘approved’ saints, such as Saint Jenner of the cowpox stab, from the hated ‘quack’ of folk lore, with his entertaining costumes, soapbox orations and ridiculous remedies. 


Georgian and Victorian doctors were by definition ‘quacks’.  None of their remedies were proven valid.  None of their cures reduced disease or discomfort.  None of their articulations were scientifically valid or replicated.  These ‘professionals’ were just as fanatical, corrupt, sloppy, experimental and deluded as any snake oil salesman.  More here

Mattias Desmet: 'The Psychology of Totalitarianism'. Mass acceptance of the Corona Fascism

There are issues in applying the pseudo science of psychology to anything, but the book contains enough factual and relevant information to make it important to understand the Corona Fascism.

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The Psychology of Totalitarianism - Dr. Malone Archive

In 2021 psychologist Mattias Desmet wrote a book ascribing the Corona Plandemic Fascism and mass compliance from a supposedly ‘educated’ population, to ‘mass formation’ hypnosis. Many of us have seen Desmet, a professor at the University of Ghent in Belgium, interviewed and applaud his courage to call out the obvious about the Corona totalitarianism, which is usually a death sentence in quackademia.


There is, however, good and bad about this book, as given below.  In general, the book is a worthwhile purchase and read, and should probably be read with Hannah Arendt’s work on Totalitarianism (The Origins of Totalitarianism), given that some of Desmet’s most important themes are derived from Arendt’s 1950 study. 


There are issues however with this book, which tends to layer arcane psychological theory and often incorrect academic postulations on top of common-sense observations about the Corona fascism.  Yes mass psychology and compliance was fundamental in the Corona plandemic, but exogenous and cultural-metaphysical forces, along with mass-media (psyops, not psychology) and coercion (lockdowns, jabs, diapers), do explain much of the supine mass compliance, as does the veneration of State power and ‘expert’ testimony.



First let’s dispense with the belief that psychology itself is of great value.

Psychology is in my opinion, part of the problem with our not-so-modern-age.  It is a massive industry which begets various and limitless sub-industries, some as inane as ‘evolutionary psychology’, or ‘gender transitioning’, quackeries looking for reality as they collect revenue streams and in the case of many sub-industries including gender-mental-illness, commissions from the criminal pharma industry.  Psychology is mostly non-science, and much of it a fraud.  Desmet confirms in his book that some 85% of psychological studies and ‘research’ is fraudulent.  Freud taught his disciples well.


Psychology is, however, a massive industry.  Globally, psychology and its discontents comprise a $500 billion plus market, annually.  Convincing everyone that they suffer from some childhood mental aberration, or that their behaviour is ‘dysfunctional’ is a path to profits.  It is mostly quackery.


Common Sense vs Arcana

There are few ‘insights’ granted by psychology that common sense and self-awareness will not reveal.  The only real value might be to force the person to confront their inner demons, whether the evil is alcohol addiction, porn addiction, gambling, violence, or a mental disorder rendering normal functioning problematic.  In this regard probably the most useful aspect of professional psychology might be group work and forcing people to be honest and share stories within a larger team and to seek colleague support and empathy. 


The non-science of pop-psychology is far worse than ‘professional psychology’ of course and in general has nothing to say about the human condition that is relevant or real.  The Book of Wisdom, Job, the Psalms, and Ecclesiastes are far more relevant if you want to understand yourself and humanity and learn how to live a good life.  The worst incantation of pop-gibberish psychology is the execrable Oprah Winfrey, the child-trafficker, and her ilk.  They are the modern Freudian rent-seekers, enriching themselves from the support of the gullible and stupid.


Freud was another quack

Freud was simply a word-smithing quack, and most of the praised elite from this non-science have long been dismissed and rubbished.  Freud and the industry he created were profiteers, propounding their theories using fraudulent data, arcane language and pseudo-scientific babble paraded in long sentences and incomprehensible paragraphs, classified as ‘science’.  If you want to understand the brain, a SPECT (single proton emission computerised tomography) scan will do more to uncover the brain’s secrets than paying £100 per hour talking to a BF Skinner devotee.  Neurology was unknown to Freud and Skinner of course and makes a mockery of their expostulations.  Excoriating psychology is not the main point here and would take a book to properly elaborate the discipline’s weaknesses, but suffice it to say, a psychologist’s view has little to do with ‘science’ and usually distorts reality. 


Second, mass hypnosis is not mass formation

Building on the above comment, Desmet’s work dresses up what should be known about ‘mass formation’ totalitarianism from Nazi and Communist history, in the suits and dresses of pseudo-intellectual phraseology and construction.  Fundamentally and incorrectly, Desmet believes that mass hypnosis is the basis of ‘mass formation’.  Mass compliance is really ‘mass formation’ and has nothing to do with being hypnotised.


The creation of general mass compliance during the Corona fascism had more to do with the alliance of governments, the police, criminal corporations including the pharma industry, fake news, and tech platforms, and their use of force, terror and propaganda; intersecting and aligning with the puerile and ignorant acceptance by the masses of authority, ‘experts’ and ‘science’.  Corona was a centralised and coordinated military-grade event. Importantly the cultural and metaphysical philosophies of the Enlightenment and the ‘modern age’, were fundamental to mass compliance - a theme that Desmet elaborates on very well (see below).



In simple terms totalitarianism, and its bastard offspring of Fascism and Communism, rely on corporatism, violence and coercion, using a thin and ugly veneer of fake ‘science’ as propaganda to convince and cajole. This is what constituted the Corona fascism - the age old totalitarian impulse of the Corporate State allied with coercion, deceit and propaganda, and using ‘science’ as a cover and a casus belli to convince and commandMass psychology is thus formed and it may or may not be ‘hypnotic’ depending on your definition. It certainly is a violent and fascistic program of terror.  More here

US Deep State institutionalising the Corona Scamdemic through a new Federal Agency (OPPR)

Office of Pandemic, Preparedness & Response - another deep state Leviathan, set up to ensure that the sheeple follow the 'guidelines' for 'health and safety' in the next plandemic.

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No more glorious display of $cientism can be highlighted.


In an open display of Medical $cientism, the disunited States of xi Biden announced that it will institutionalise the Corona plandemic and related policies by creating yet another deep-state government agency - the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy (OPPR). Yes, exactly what the massive, extensive, intrusive, and corrupt Federal Government mafia of the US needs - another agency, this one dedicated to fear mongering the sheeple on a daily basis to justify its funding and to initiate future scamdemics, lockdowns and mRNA stabbinations.


This new deep state agency is tasked to deal with ‘global viral threats’, known in the real world as US bio-lab experiments and bio-engineered diseases. Undoubtedly these labs are weaponising common diseases and even insects, puportedly for war, the enemy is of course not Russia or China per se, but we the sheeple, the carbon emitting evolved shrews.

“This will be a permanent office in the Executive Office of the President charged with leading, coordinating, and implementing actions related to preparedness for, and response to, known and unknown biological threats or pathogens, the White House said in a press release


The Military

The Corona Fascism was quite likely a US Department of Defense project and CIA managed operation. This is why VAERS and other ‘signals’ of death and injury could be ignored. The Pharma industry was the channel of distribution. The Medical establishment had no authority or courage to stand up to the DoD and CIA. The military is of course indirectly yet transparently running the OPPR.

The new office will be headed up by Retired Air Force Major General Paul Friedrichs, who currently serves as a special assistant to President Joe Biden and the Senior Director for Global Health Security and Biodefense at the White House National Security Council. Friedrichs previously worked as a joint staff surgeon at the Pentagon, where he also advised the military’s Covid-19 task force.

Friedrichs is tied to both the military and pharma. How coincidental. From the ‘Office of the President’, he will have direct access to the DoD and the Pharma-military complex. He will be able to coordinate efforts with the CIA, and the Director of National Security who both sit in Cabinet (the CIA position was promoted to Cabinet level last week, just a coincidence). Friedrichs and his group are thus the apex and management control centre for the next scamdemic, based on the release of a bio-lab product, blamed on exotic zoontic or zymotic transfers (penguin, pangolin, the angry bird etc).

Vast powers

The OPPR will formally come into existence on August 7, after which Friedrichs will begin assembling a team. His responsibilities will include ensuring the Strategic National Stockpile is well-equipped with medical supplies, and working with Congress to procure funding for US preparedness efforts, according to the New York Times.

So in essence Friedrichs is preparing the next scamdemic. His budget will be moderate to start with to escape initial scrutiny. As with all Leviathan projects his agency will grow, mutate, metastasize in power, resources, money and control. Once started an agency rarely shrinks or dissolves. It grows and seeks to ‘prove its value’. The agency’s assumption is a future scamdemic is coming.

In addition to crafting a government response to future pandemics, the agency will confer with industry, the scientific community and the Department of Health and Human Services to develop the “next generation of medical countermeasures,” including vaccines. Its work will focus on Covid-19, monkeypox, polio, avian and human influenza, and RSV, among other pathogens.




With OPPR we have an example of $cientism. OPPR is a likely guarantee of another bio-weapon release. The cure will be mRNA products along with the go-to tools for medical-fascism, face diapers and lockdowns. The alliance of Big Government, Criminal Pharma, and Medical ‘$cience’.

Taking over the role of the White House’s Covid-19 response team, which was shuttered in May, the office was created under a sweeping government spending package enacted in late 2022. It will be required to submit a “preparedness review” to lawmakers every two years, and a separate “outlook report” every five years.

There shall be endless reviews, fear mongering, fake model prognistications and lurid accounts of a viral disaster looming on the horizon. There will likely be deep coordination with the 300 or so US bio-labs spread around the world to release engineered pathogens.

2023 might well just be an interregnum of peace in this war of the New World Order against humanity. It appears the US Deep State is gearing up for the next phase.


On a positive note even the Fake News outlets are admitting that Rona was a scam: US Covid-19 deaths overcounted by nearly a third – NYT.


To comply is to die. Leviathan is not as strong as it may look.

$cientism and the Great Pharmaceutical Fraud

The greatest hoax and quackery ever foisted on mankind. An industry built on lies, criminality, injury and death. A vital part of the New World Order.

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Every intelligent person who takes the time to investigate vaccination, will find abundant evidence in the published writings and public records of the advocates of vaccination, to prove its utter worthlessness, without reading a line of anti-vaccination literature. And if we could add to this all the suppressed facts, we would have a mass of evidence before which no vaccinator would dare to hold up his head.” Dr. Robert A. Gunn, MD, “Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils”, 1882  

A $cientific project

$cientism or the religion of Science, is the metaphysical model used by the UN, WEF, G20, Club of Rome, Trilateral Commission, The ‘Group of 30’, and global elites to elicit and demand support from the hoi-polloi and common person, for ‘globalist’ projects leading to a One-World-Government.  The UN and WEF are promoting ‘Agenda 2030’, a totalitarian agenda of Globalist-governance, premised on the non-existing ‘climate emergency’ and ‘health’ against non-existent ‘pandemics’. 


In this regard, the Pharmaceutical industry and ‘Big Government’ along with their fraudulent data manipulation and medical propaganda is a key aspect of Agenda 2030, along with the ‘climate change’ lie.  The nexus of government and pharmaceuticals is a criminal mafia, convincing people that health is only conferred through stabbinating poisons into your bloodstream through your deltoid muscle, and that diseases are only prevented from these injections and that if unstabbinated you and your children will certainly die. 


Quackcine theory in short

"Vaccination is a monstrosity, a misbegotten offspring of error and ignorance; and, being such, it should have no place in either hygiene or medicine...Believe not in vaccination, it is a worldwide delusion, an unscientific practice, a fatal superstition with consequences measured today by tears and sorrow without end.” —Dr. Carlo Ruta, Professor of Materia Medica at the University of Perugia, Italy, 1896

The theory of vaccines is to inject antigens (toxins) such as poisons, viruses, and diseases into the body.  It is quite similar to how an ‘inoculation’ was performed in the 18th century, in which the disease itself was injected into a cut on the arm or shoulder.  This practice caused extensive death and injury, but greatly profited the quacks who charged every potential victim a sum of money to administer the poisons with very crude implements.  Vaccination was sold as more ‘mild’ and less deforming and harmful. 

Quackcine theory - Key Terms

Antigen: A toxin or other foreign substance that induces an immune response in the body, especially the production of antibodies.


Antibody: A blood protein produced in response to and counteracting a specific antigen. Antibodies combine chemically with substances that the body recognizes as alien, such as bacteria, viruses (if you believe in them), and foreign substances in the blood.


Vaccination ‘protection’

In the 19th century, the beginning of what I would term the industry of ‘medical fascism’, there developed the gospel of truth around the properties of vaccination and their divine favour.  Over time it was faithfully believed, and through the quack Pasteur ‘proven’, that ‘antigens’, arising from the injected toxic fluid, would create ‘antibodies’ (disease fighting proteins) to fight pathogens (diseases) in the target’s body sometime in the ‘future’.  More here

"Jabbed:How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment, Government Stick It to You and Your Family"

Bret Wilcox, 2018

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Jabbed | Book by Brett Wilcox | Official Publisher Page | Simon ...


Read this book.  It was written in 2018 BC or Before Covid.  It outlines the history of the Criminal Pharmaceutical industry and the Church of Vaccinology and Drugs, a key foundation platform within $cientism. One cannot understand what went on in the world of the Covid fascism, unless we understand the Medical Dictatorship that is being set up.  Good sites outside of the Fake News will provide valuable information on what is going on.  They are of course repudiated, calumnied and debased by the elites.  But they provide the critical information needed for people to make informed decisions about what is going on.  The Church of Vaccinology is ineffably evil, corrupt, socio-pathological and over 60 years, has killed millions of people, and maimed tens of millions more


Vaccines uber alles (there is only ‘one’ answer for ‘health)

Wilcox writes: ‘Vaccine believers believe in the commercialized vaccine paradigm (a religious-based belief system), the vaccine program (the delivery system from manufacturer to the public), and the vaccine schedule (past, present, and future) with a black-and-white kind of devotion. Vaccines are safe and effective. Period. Vaccines save lives. Period. Disease is bad, vaccines are good. Period. Believers adhere to these beliefs just as surely as cultists believe that only they possess the truth.’


Does the above not sound eerily predictive in the time of CV 19 and the religious observations around face diapers, distancing, staying at Home, being sufficiently terrified and expecting the Covid Reaper of Death to appear at any second?  The rejection of vitamins, sunlight, exercise, diet and individual health and precautions? The Church of Vaccinology, developed by Criminal Pharma was a religion and imposed with state enforced fascism.


Wilcox: ‘The Unholy Trinity—the pharmaceutical industry, the medical establishment, and government—has successfully convinced the faithful that abstaining from vaccinations puts the entire flock at risk of damnation in the form of lethal disease outbreaks.' This unholy Trinity is what creates $cientism.


What you may learn inter-alia from this book

Vaccines never ‘cured’ infectious diseases.  They had all died out before the introduction of the drugs.

Vaccines are not safe, nor effective.  They are drug cocktails containing metals, mercury, aluminium, phosphates and other toxins. 

No independent studies can confirm the efficacy of any of the 200 or so ‘vaccination’ drugs that Pharma sells.  None. 

Pharma drugs are directly linked to autism, encephala, nervous disorders, behavioural disorders, brain damage, narcolepsy, down’s syndrome and yes even HIV (oral polio vaccine based on Simian cells) amongst many hundreds of other serious conditions, killing and maiming millions. 

Pharma has been found guilty of criminal misconduct including death and injury every single year for the past 20 years.  The lawsuits range in the hundreds of millions to billions and include every single large Pharma manufacturer.

Pharma long ago bought the Mainstream media (advertising revenue), Medical Schools (funding for programs, labs, published articles etc), Government Health Agencies (private-public partnerships), Medical Journals (Lancet, BMJ and all the rest are funded by Pharma) and Politicians.

Medical ‘professionals’ are trained in Pharma funded ‘schools’ which promote drugs, and are disbarred, de-licensed, de-platformed, vilified, threatened and in some cases killed if they defy the Church of Vaccinology.

The US CDC (Centre for Disease Control) and Pharma shares profits and works together to push drugs (in alliance with Pharma funded American Medical Association).

Pharma has a long history of inventing diseases and markets based on data fraud, fake studies, propaganda, and government-initiated hysteria.  George Merck famously said ‘You do not sell the drug, sell the disease’.

Bill Gates is the largest financier of the WHO (10% of its budget) and funds GAVI the international Vaccine Institute.  Gates, WHO and GAVI are pushing drugs in Brazil, India and Africa and have killed or maimed literally millions of people.  An example is DPT (diptheria, tetanus, pertussis) in West Africa and autism-encephaly in Brazil in children whose pregnant mothers were forcibly injected with MMR (mumps, measles, rubella), where the damage was criminally ascribed to the Zika virus, for which of course, they had a drug.  Gates and others believe that human population must be reduced to 500 million or so, and the best method is with drug injection.


The Church of Vaccinology runs deep and is very religious

Wilcox: “Vaccine believers are certain that vaccines protect them from infectious disease . . . except when they are exposed to unvaccinated individuals. The unvaccinated are tainted and should not be allowed to roam the streets or attend public schools spreading disease in their wake. Vaccine believers see themselves as enlightened, progressive, and scientifically minded. Most people today are vaccine believers, including most medical professionals: primary care physicians, pediatricians, nurses, etc. 


Of these professionals, Paul Thomas, MD, coauthor of The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, writes, ‘. . . most of my MD doctor colleagues somehow have lost the ability to think independently on the vaccine issue. If you read the journals they read on a daily basis, it could happen to you too. These are not bad people, like ‘weapons of mass destruction.’ It is just a case of when you hear something enough and you don’t have anywhere to get the other side of the story, the hidden truths, then you base your decisions on the information you have.’”  More here

Dr Chas Michael Higgins, ‘Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated’ (1920)

All of the issues on display during the Corona fascism, were all present and prevalent in 1920 and indeed, long before 1920.

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Compulsory Vaccination is an instance of a law which inflicts actual disease and possible death on the human body and propagates and disseminates deadly infections widely upon animals and mankind….This amazing act is the homicidal insanity of a profession.  This is blood assassination.”  (Dr. James Wilkinson, 1876)


The above quote by Dr Wilkinson, found in Dr. Higgins’ book, is a pithy summary of the criminal fraud that is the pharmaceutical-vaccine industry.  Dr Higgins of New York State investigated local and state records on vaccination ‘efficacy’ and the dead and injured from the procedure, looking at data from the late 19th century to the end of World War I.  Dr Higgins proved, based on death certificates and records withheld from the public, that the smallpox stabbination program in New York State, with a population of some 11 million, killed far more than the smallpox disease ever did.  In sum more than 3.000 people in New York State over a period of 30 or so years died after the smallpox injection.  Only a few hundred died of the disease itself during this time-frame – a disease it should be emphasised which is eminently treatable using naturopathy, sanitation and hygiene. 


Quackcines and Bloodletting

Anyone interested in arguments against enforced vaccination, which include the rates of death and injury, as well as legal, constitutional, and natural law (or God-given rights) arguments against mandatory vaccination should read this book.  The entire work is really the petition Dr Higgins sent to President Woodrow Wilson at the end of World War I, to stop vaccine mandates.  Dr Higgins provides statistical, legal and moral reasons why the enforcement of vaccine intake is immoral, ineffectual and disgraceful.


In this petition Higgins cites the death of George Washington in 1799, from ‘bleeding’, another quackery which was deemed ‘scientific’ and ‘medicinal’ for 200 years.  It was simply a barbaric malpractice.  So too is stabbinating poisons into someone’s bloodstream to fight a ‘germ’, or a ‘viral infection’ as Dr Higgins writes to Wilson; “…(vaccines) inject into it (the body) directly or indirectly various more or less virulent diseases, blood poisons, or disease germs, culture or products, either living or dead, with the idea of curing or preventing some natural disease.” 


Your immune system rejects and attacks all foreign matter, including whatever is stabbed into your deltoid.  The immune and lymph system are degraded, and in many cases, death ensues after the injection, but as Dr Higgins observes “…And these fatal results of vaccination are commonly denied and concealed in death certificates by recording the terminal disease of (insert here), without any record of the inflicted disease – vaccination…” Since when has any government agency or ‘medical expert’ cited issues with vaccination? In the Holy Church of Jenner and his elixirs, only life and resurrection are guaranteed, never evil, injury or death.


Nothing has changed in 100 years since the era of Dr Higgins.  Today severe events and death from the stabbinations are denied and hidden as they were in 1920.  During the Corona scamdemic, with an actual IFR of 0.3% (close to zero for the under 60s), in any country you care to investigate, on average 5 times more people died as a result of the quackcination than from the disease itself.  Governments used fraudulent ‘PCR tests’ which pick up nothing, to massively inflate their official Corona-dead totals, but those who died from Corona alone and not fake tests, were vastly outnumbered by the dead following the vaccination programs.  In the UK about 25.000 died from Corona, with at least 150.000 or more or dead from the stabbinations. These post-jab death rates are similar to those in the 19th and 20th century from other interventions including smallpox, rabies and polio.


The US Army

Dr Higgins penned his petition to President Woodrow Wilson to stop enforced vaccine mandates, showing rather overwhelming proof that vaccinations in general and the US army vaccination program in particular, was lethal, resulting not in health ‘care’, but in disability, injury and death.  He adjured Wilson to dispense with mandatory vaccination for the military.  This theme was picked up by Dr Eleanor McBean (‘The Poisoned Needle), who recites the carnage in the US military during World War II from various vaccination programs.  Healthy men, in their tens of thousands, stabbed and rendered ill or worse.  The Spanish flu of 1918 to 1920 was not a flu and not Spanish.  It was an epidemic spread by the US typhoid vaccination and experiment, which went horribly wrong, creating a bacterial pandemic killing between 40 and 60 million people of all ages. 


Dr Higgins persistently canvassed the office of the Surgeon General of the US army on vaccination and related illness and death.  The Surgeon General was forced to admit in writing that as of March 15 1919, The number of men admitted to sick report during 1917 for typhoid vaccination was 10,549 or a rate of 15.54 for each one thousand men.  For smallpox vaccination the number admitted was 9.059 or a rate of 13.35 for each one thousand men.  The total number of days lost as the result of the typhoid vaccinaton was 28.679 and for smallpox 34,814.”  This is rather astonishing. Young fit healthy men, at the rate of 1-2% are ill post the injections.  We saw the same injury and death rate with the Corona-mRNA vaccines (or higher, with 2-5% more likely).  The Surgeon General claimed that no one died in the US army after a vaccination but given the typhoid vaccine-experiment outbreak which killed 40-60 million this is hard to believe. 


New York State and England

The quite large (2% or higher) death and injury rate of vaccination comports to Dr Higgin’s analysis of New York State, verified by data for England and Wales, looking at smallpox deaths from the disease and post-vaccination in under 5 year olds, from 1905-1913.  In both locales it is clear that during this period, 4-5 times more children under the age of 5 died after being stabbinated than died from the smallpox disease itself.  Each year some 4 or so children, under the age of 5, in New York State might have died from smallpox, but 16-20 died after being stabbed.  Given the massive profits and propaganda supporting the industry, the ‘medical’ and ‘regulatory’ establishments did not care. 


In 1900 smallpox injections were still based on the now 100-year-old Jenner formula and fraud of cowpox injections.  As Dr Higgins points out, this is nothing else other than septicemic infection or blood poisoning.  This can kill a patient within minutes, especially a young, helpless, immune-system immature baby, or it may take days or weeks.  Surprisingly Dr Higgins uncovered that vaccinating husbandry also resulted in huge epidemics during the 19th and early 20th centuries in which millions of animals were needlessly injected, infected, diseased and ultimately slaughtered.  It seems that poisoned injections had the same effect on animals as they do with humans.



There is an interesting section on the vaccine catastrophe in Japan.  As Dr Higgins states, Japan was probably the most vaccinated country in the world by 1900.  Yet epidemics of infectious diseases including smallpox, raged unchecked.  In 1898 there were 149,012 smallpox cases with 40,971 deaths, or a mortality rate of 27%, in a country with near to 100% vaccination levels.  In 1905 there were 10,705 cases of smallpox and 3,388 deaths, a mortality rate of 31.5%.  In 1908, there were 18,075 cases of smallpox with 5,835 dying, a mortality rate of 32%.  Even in the time of that unprofessional, lazy, lying quack Saint Edward Jenner, the smallpox death rate was less than 1% overall, and during epidemics, whose cycles waxed and waned over 11–15-year periods, 10%.  So here in late 19th century Japan we have a trebling over the 18th century’s mortality rate, in a country with a nearly 100% vaccination rate! 


The rigid compulsory vaccination laws of Japan showed no evidence of being effective.  However, as with the injured and dead from Corona mRNA interventions, the cry from the ‘experts’ and ‘the science’ in Japan during this time was the usual insane cackling refrain of ‘it would have been so much worse if the population was unstabbinated’.  This declaration is unscientific, insipid and immoral.  No authority, in any country, during any age in the past 200 years, has shown the slightest interest to investigate the massive destruction in life and happiness wrought by the poisoned needles.  The dead and injured simply don’t exist, and we saw this same ‘anti health’ doctrine from all countries and their various ‘experts’, ‘professionals’, ‘doctors’, agencies and establishments during the Corona scamdemic. This is because drug interventions since the early 19th century have become massive businesses with everyone involved including government, on their payroll.  This was as true in 1820 as it was in 1920 and it is certainly true today.


Data Fraud

Dr Higgins lays it out plainly and concisely, And it must be here remembered that our vaccinating doctors and our dominant vaccinating medical sect have now such full control of our death certificates, our departments of health and vital statistics that they can deny or conceal the effect of their medical operations with the greatest ease and safety…  During the Corona scamdemic the manipulated data fraud employed by government and its agencies was simply fantastic, implemented in the most arrogant and devious manner possible.  Untangling the corrupted statistics from various agencies involved, was almost a full-time endeavour, but as with ‘climate’ eco-fascism, the torturing of data and its rendering to be the opposite of reality, is a fact.  Dr Higgins ran into the same issues. 



In short, the same fraud we saw during the Corona Fascism was quite evident in 1920, as detailed and elucidated by Dr. Higgins.  The propaganda, the lies, the data manipulation, the dead and injured from the stabbinations (and lockdowns), the low IFR of these diseases; yet the implacable resolve to mandate stabs for everyone regardless of consequence.  The lack of empathy by any involved toward the injured, maimed and dead proves without hesitation that the goverment-health-drug complex is unconcerned with ‘care’ but obsessed with profits and power.  Nothing much has changed since 1920 when one views the $cientism of the government-pharma military-industrial complex.  The chief difference is that with technology, government funding of ‘science’ and government-corporatist mass-media control it has gotten much worse. 

Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth. Exposing the $cientism of a criminal complex

None of the stabs are safe nor effective. The entire industry is a lie.

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Written during the Corona fascism, and issued in 2022, this work is a valuable compendium and resource on the entirety of the vaccine fraud and its morbid demented history, written anonymously by Israeli doctors.  Anonymity was chosen by the authors to protect careers, families, published papers and to escape delicensing, censorship, verbal, and even physical attacks.  Anonymity is necessary in these ‘thriving’ democracies we are told about, where if you contravene state theology and especially the gospel of Pharma and the vaccines, you might find yourself ‘suicided’ if you are someone of importance and are sufficiently persistent in your criticism.  At the very least you will be ridiculed and ostracised in these ‘vibrant’, ‘open’, ‘inclusive’, ‘tolerant’, ‘democracies’.  I would classify ‘modern democracies’ as regressive feudal constructs, and openly totalitarian.


This book confirms that the Pharmaceutical-Government military-industrial complex is a pillar of $cientism, or the merger of corporate and government interests.  Corporatism is emblematic of Fascist governance, where government funds and promotes certain industries to conform to statists ideologies.  Compliant corporations are thus ennobled and rewarded by the state and these firms in turn fund and invest in government activities often taking over the regulators.  With Pharmaceuticals it is impossible to see where the industry ends and where health and government regulators begin.  As with all corporate-Fascist governance structures, coercion and violence is used to elicit compliance


The work is over 500 pages long, with 11 chapters covering the spectrum of health and science pertaining to the concept of ‘vaccination’.  I would say it can be used as reference material for yourself and your family, and to use when ‘debating’ the cult of drugs and pharma.  There are ample footnotes and source citations. 


The following is a short synopsis by chapter.  By no means is it comprehensive, the book after all is 500 pages, but some themes redound when reading it.


Part 1: Vaccine safety

Chapter 1 on ‘Trials’

Key points:

-Clinical trials are ‘rigged’ to hide their and high rate of side effects (including death), and are not tested properly or at mass

-Randomised control tests are not conducted properly and usually don’t include a placebo group (so you can assess the real effects of the drug against people who are not injected)

-All common ‘vaccines’ follow this fraudulent pattern of adverse event suppression, something learnt from the quack Saint Jenner

-Trials are often deliberately faked and quite unethical (rotavirus vaccine trials are given as an example)

-Vaccines are given mostly to healthy babies and if anything, the safety standards and trials must be extremely high and beyond reproach or dispute which they are not


Chapter 2 on Adverse Events

Key points:

-Little to no analysis of the following is made: 1) effects that the ingredients (aluminium adjuvants for eg) have on the body, 2) biochemical interactions between the components, 3) biochemical interactions among multiple vaccines given concomitantly, 4) genetic profiles of those who are vaccinated and reaction to said biochemicals, 5) existing conditions which may increase injury rates.

-Entire categories of injury and harm are arbitrarily removed from studies and trials, ascribed not to the vaccine but some other factors and ignored

-There is no evidence that even basic scientific research on vaccine side effects is being conducted


Chapter 3: Adverse Events Reporting Systems

Key points:

-Systems such as VAERS in the US, or the Yellow Card in the UK are passive systems, usually ignored by medical professionals and are grossly under-reported

-Maybe 1/10 to 1/100 of actual vaccine adverse events are reported

-A false premise of these systems is that the vaccine’s safety has already been ‘proven’ during pre-licensure trials which is incorrect

-New software systems (eg Lazarus in the US in 2010) which would have greatly improved the reporting system’s interface, relevancy and detail have been rejected by various regulators (the more opaque and useless the adverse reporting system is, the better in their view)


Chapter 4: Epidemiology 101

Key points:

-Epidemiology analyses diseases at the population, not the individual level, (to see if a vaccine worked by lower mortality for example), there are many types of epidemiological studies and it can be difficult to find correlation and causal patterns given variables, bodily complexity etc.

-Given that there are no fixed rules or recipes for such studies, the industry can manipulate data or perform certain types of studies which will present findings in their favour, most of these statistical analyses, whether looking-backward, or looking-forward are too complicated and detailed for the average layperson to understand


Chapter 5: Biased Science, Epidemiology and vaccine safety

Key points:

-During the 1990s, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, or MMR injections had significant and high levels of adverse effects but epidemiology and ‘studies’ came to the rescue and disavowed any such observations

-Much research into vaccines and medicines are dependent on the largesse of government or large corporate interests, it is unlikely they will fund a drug that creates a mess or adverse effects

-More than 70% of research and researcher methods have been declared fraudulent or more politely ‘dubious’

-5 key ‘doctored’ studies which basically lie and commit data fraud but are fundamental to the religion of vaccination are:  Madsen 2002 on MMR (MMR does not cause autism);  Fombonne 2006 on MMR and Autism (no connection); DeStefano 2013 on Antigens and Autism (same conclusion as Madsen’s and Fombonne’s);  Grimaldi 2014 on Gardasil and Autoimmune injury (no connection they maintain);  McKeever 2004 on vaccines and allergic disease (no connection they state)

-These 5 studies and thousands of others all have financial and employment conflicts of interests; all are littered with methodological and data issues; data fraud is rife; none would pass a real peer review; none can be replicated


Chapter 6: Studies that will never be done

Key points:

-The pharma-government complex have never done, and will never do, extensive analysis of unvaccinated versus vaccinated groups, over a long duration

-Any studies (private, outside of the pharma-government complex) that analysed unvaccinated vs vaccinated have always found the unvaccinated to be healthier

-Clinical trials of vaccines do not report chronic syndromes which can take years to manifest including autism, cancer, ADHD, or diabetes

-Most American children receive up to 26-28 shots of vaccines for 14 different diseases, yet there are no long-term studies on health impact (given that in 1970 there were 2 shots given)

-Natural control groups such as the Amish exist but are completely ignored by the medical establishment

-By not conducting unvaccinated control group studies over the long-term, the ‘safe and effective’ mantra is safely and effectively a lie

More here

Dr Walter Hadwen, MD, MRCS, MRCP ‘The Case against Vaccination’ (1896)

Copy of a speech given in Gloucester England, still pertinent today.

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Dr Hadwen was a certified and examined doctor, unlike the quack Saint Jenner, the Apostle to the Unquackcinated, who never passed a medical exam, was never a real doctor, and kept few if any notes supporting the ‘cowpox confers immunity on human smallpox’ theory and gibberish.  Dr Hadwen was an ardent ‘anti-vaccination’ campaigner, a critic of ‘germ theory’, a chemist, pharmacist, surgeon and general medical practitioner.  He was a famous fire-brand orator and writer. 


Unlike Saint Jenner the unprofessional quack who lied and defrauded his way to riches, Dr Hadwen actually practiced medicine, served his clients and defended their God-given natural law rights to bodily autonomy against state injections and interventions.  Today Dr Hadwen would be classified as a threat to the state, de-registered, de-listed, censored, fined and probably de-banked.  Such coercion and intolerance is called ‘free speech’, ‘democracy’ and ‘science’.  We live in a ‘thriving democracy’ or so we are repeatedly told with 3 years of Corona fascism apparently memory holed and forgotten.


A note on inoculation vs stabbination

Inoculation injects a ‘mild dose’ of the infectious disease, say smallpox, into your blood stream, hopefully causing a reaction that is mild and not dangerous.  Once inoculated even if you are not ‘ill’ after the stab, you are considered ‘immune’.  Needless to say, this procedure caused more death and injury in patients than people it ‘saved’. 


Jenner’s stabbination was different but no less dangerous.  Cowpox pus or ‘lymph’ is derived from injecting a calf’s stomach with the ‘cowpox’ from a female cow’s ulcerated teats, and then after some days when swelling and eruption appeared, withdrawing the ‘lymph’ or pus from the sores, mixing this with chemicals (Jenner’s formulae is unknown and not recorded of course) and stabbing this into your shoulder.  The idea is that the cowpox is similar to human smallpox but will be ‘less injurious’ than a direct shot of smallpox.  If you died or were injured after this procedure, the cry from the Jennerians would be ‘the lymph was not pure’, or, ‘it was spurious not spontaneous cowpox’. 


If any of this makes sense to anyone, than undoubtedly you believe ‘we’ (who is the we in this fraud?) landed on the moon, and a penis means a vagina.  Jenner’s theory is pure quackery at its worst. 

Quackcination ‘outcompeted’ inoculation thanks to the British government’s massive investment of some £20 million between 1802 and 1822 in Jenner’s ludicrous idea.  Neither concept has any merit.


Dr. Hadwen and reality

What Dr Hadwen had to say in 1896, in his speech in Gloucester to the ‘anti-vaxx’ league, is still relevant today.  This small pamphlet should be read along with Dr. Chas Creighton’s heavier book, Jenner and Vaccination.  Dr. Hadwen refers to Dr Creighton in his speech in a few places quoting from Dr Creighton’s work on exposing the fraud that was Jenner. 


The anti-vaxxers in the 19th century used facts, logic and experience to argue against forced stabbinations and indeed against any jabbination at all.  Some arguments presented by Dr Hadwen are listed below.  I daresay they cannot be refuted today, nor can his questions from 1896, be answered by ‘the science’ even today.  In fact his comments map perfectly onto the disastrous Corona mRNA stabs which were forced onto 8 billion people in the largest medical experiment in history, with millions killed and injured. As with Jenner’s quackcines, apparently the dead and injured from the mRNA simply don’t exist.


The coercion

As a medical man I look upon vaccination as an insult to common sense, as superstitious in its originsunscientific in theory and practice, and useless and dangerous in its character….I view the Compulsory Vaccination Acts as demoralising in their tendencies, degrading in their character, cruel and unjust in their enactments, and an unwarrantable interference with parental responsibility and liberty…”

“…Why was compulsion necessary?  The reason was simply this – the people were beginning to find out it (vaccination) was no good; they were beginning to clamour again for inoculation…”


The ’experts’

“I can say from what I have learned in experience that intelligent, thoughtful and studious anti-vaccinators know more about this subject than the majority of the medical men of to-day…and you enforce it against the wills and consciences of intelligent people by fines, distraints, and imprisonments, it passes beyond the confines of a purely medical question – and becomes essentially a social and political one.”


Infection from filth not the magic virus

“We say that smallpox is a filth disease, and that if we get rid of the filth, we shall get rid of the disease. “

“The period in which he (Jenner the quack) lived was undoubtedly a very filthy period….Sanitary arrangements were altogether absent.  They obtained their water from conduits and wells in the neighbourhood, water closets there were none, and no drainage system existed.  It was in London especially that smallpox abounded, where bodies were buried in Old St. Paul’s Churchyard in Covent Garden only a foot below the soil…let us not forget that sanitary improvements began in London as early as 1766, and small-pox began to decline as a consequence before vaccination was invented.”


Stabbination confers nothing

“…just as we pelt the pro-vaccinists with figures showing that 90 per cent, of those who have had small-pox have already been vaccinated.”

“…Chauveau, the eminent French scientist, after experimenting, told his Government that it was totally impossible to convert small-pox into cow-pox…” (thus disproving the idiocy of the Jenner lie)


The Data

“Since the passing of the Act in 1853 (mandatory stabbinations for everyone in the UK), we have no less than three distinct epidemics.  In 1857-9 we had more than 14.000 deaths from smallpox; in the 1863-5 epidemic the deaths had increased to 20,000; and in 1871-72 they totalled up to the tune of 44,800.” (by contrast the population increase was 7%, and 9% in these periods, however smallpox deaths rose by 41% and 120%). 

“The Sheffield epidemic occurred in 1887 in the very worst quarter of the town…on they went, vaccinating and re-vaccinating; and still the small-pox epidemic spread. There were no less than 7,000 cases of small-pox, and, alas! 600 deaths, and still the small-pox went on; until at last God in his mercy opened the floodgate of heaven and down came the rain, which washed the sewers and the drains, cleared away the refuse from the gutters…and away went the small-pox.  Pure water accomplished for Sheffield what 56,000 vaccinations had been unable to effect.”

“…Leicester.  In 1868-72 the mortality of children under one year was 107 per thousand, when 98 per cent were vaccinated; from 1888-9 only two per cent, were vaccinated…the general mortality of children declined from 107 to 63 per thousand.”

The facts, the data, the reality was as obvious in 1896, as it was in 1871, 1859, 1845, 1840, 1824, 1808, and 1798.  Massive epidemics followed the stabbinations. The Jennerian stabbinations had no effect on disease prevention or the reduction of smallpox – quite the opposite if one considers the dead and wounded from the interventions.  Yet the myth that smallpox was eradicated by cowpox injections is a gospel reading in today’s world.  Blood-letting was also ‘the science’ for 200 years before reality and real science intruded and stopped the barbarism.  Stabbinations have 227 years of failed history.  Perhaps the modern peasantry should lose the lie that injecting foreign material into the bloodstream is ‘safe and effective’, as with the myth of ‘blood-letting’, lancing yourself with toxins is barbaric and idiotic.

Dr Charles Creighton, 'Jenner and Vaccination: A Strange Chapter of Medical History' (1889)

$cientism. Saint Jenner’s fraud and the creation of the quackcine industry in England is the foundation of the criminal government-Pharma drug cartel, which is running and ruining, much of our world

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How Today's Anti-Vaccination Movement Traces Back to Victorian England ...


A great book

This work was penned by a true medical professional in 1889, who devoted years to investigate and demolish the ‘vaccine’ myth around Saint Jenner and his corrupt coterie of quacks and charlatans.  If you want a verified analysis of the quackery of the industry called ‘vaccines’, Dr Creighton’s book is a must read.  It can be located on and provides a masterclass in analysis.  It is technical enough to be informative, but not arcane or obscure.  The case against the quack Jenner can hardly be better expressed.  Keep in mind that there were no medical associations, credentials, exams, or standards in 1790.  As Jenner did, you could buy your medical ‘certificate’ for £15, hang a sign outside your house saying, ‘Doctor’s office’ and you are in business.  There is no evidence that Jenner practiced any variety of real medicine, or ‘science’ nor is there any evidence that he knew anything about epidemiology, immune systems or disease. 

A real Doctor

Unlike Sir Edward Jenner the Saint who ‘discovered’ ‘vaccinations’ and saved the world from the 0.4% death rate smallpox ‘virus’ (which does not exist), Dr. Creighton was a real doctor, credentialed, certified, confirmed, and not a 19th century quack.  Amongst his many accomplishments was writing the entries on Jenner, vaccination, and smallpox for Encyclopaedia Brittanica for its 8th and 9th editions where he deconstructs and demolishes the entire quackcination industry and Saint Jenner.  His monographs were replaced in the 10th edition, no doubt at the violent and well-monied requests of the quackcine industry. 

Unlike Jenner, Creighton actually practiced medicine, understood the body, performed valid scientific experiments, kept detailed notes and observations and was a professional medical man in every way.  In the late 19th century, he was rather famous in England known as a doctor of intelligence, moral standing and professionalism.  None of these attributes would attach themselves to the devious if not criminal Jenner.

The Quackcine industry

Dr Creighton’s analysis into the early 19th century’s creation of the ‘vaccine’ industry left him in no doubt about its immorality, mendacity, and proclivity to injure, kill and use force to implement its revenue streams of yearly injections, paid by the UK government.  The lack of ‘science’ around the quackcine ‘discovery’ and attendant usage is simply astounding.  

Saint Jenner and Secular connections

Jenner came from an upper middle-class family with connections (similar story one sees with that notable quack Darwin).  Through family connections, Jenner was best friends with those in the Royal Society, including its President ‘Dr’ Banks and stayed for 2 years with one of its leading members, another rather infamous quack, ‘Dr’ John Hunter, boarding with another Royal Society member E. Home.  Thus, through the Royal Society of his chums, would his future credentials as a ‘scientist’ be obtained.

Royal Society of Friends and Saint Jenner the Naturalist

In the endless plagiarised and soporific accounts of Saint Jenner, he is depicted not only as one of history’s greatest ‘scientists’ but also as nature-boy.  Saint Francis and Saint Cuthbert had nothing on Saint Jenner and his ‘interests’ in and ‘studies’ of ‘nature’, or so the devotional gospel maintains.  For example, for over 20 years, from the mid-1770s to the mid-1790s, the quack Jenner studied the hedgehog, but admittedly with no insights and no results.  Yet we are to be amazed and cry forth with admiration at such a preoccupation.  He was pushed in these studies by his Royal Society friend, ‘Dr’ Hunter.  Of particular interest to these quacks was the hibernation habits of the hedgehog.  Jenner knew nothing about hedgehogs and why a country quack was wasting time on them is never explained by the endless apologia.

But Saint Jenner also communed with small birds.  Jenner’s membership in the Royal Society was secured in 1788 when he wrote a paper about the habits of the noble cuckoo, a grey bird which is similar to a finch.  Thanks to his friend ‘Dr’ Hunter, his work on this bird which was apparently of such vital ‘scientific interest’, was issued in 1788 in the ‘science journal’ of the day, Philosophical Transactions.  This insipid paper granted Jenner access to the Royal Society as one of its membersgiving Jenner the false moniker of ‘scientist’.  If you read the work today it is a ridiculous nonsense, full of junk science, and easily disproven (as Creighton relates) by any person remotely knowledgeable about the grand cuckoo.  Jenner makes allegations about the grey bird which are false (example pushing other birds out of their nests to murder them), amongst other claims.  Jenner knew nothing about birds.  Only someone with connections would be elevated to the Royal Society with such an absurd unscientific ‘paper’.  Today one imagines Jenner’s puerile pile would fail as a secondary school assignment.   More here

The Covid Fascism and $cientism as a ‘global’ template for future ‘pandemics’

We are likely in an interregnum of calm before the next 'emergency'.

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A real plague

The 6th century plague of ‘Justinian’ named after the Christian emperor of Byzantium and the Black Death of the 14th century were real ‘pandemics’.  Justinian’s plague weakened much of the economic and military fighting power of Byzantium, directly aiding the Muslims in the 630s and 640s to conquer much of the Christian empire’s territory.  The causation was a bacterium Y pestis, carried by rats, which infected humans along trade routes and in major urban areas, killing some 30-50% of the population.  Y pestis again devastated Europe from 1347-1352, 1361–63, 1369–71, 1374–75, 1390, and 1400.  The Y pestis bacterium attacked the lymph systems, causing buboes or bulbs to appear, along with internal bleeding and ulcerating, which led to the shut-down of the body’s organs.  Today it can be treated with anti-biotics and hygiene.


Corona and the Test Scamdemic

We know of course that Corona was never a pandemic.  The Corona death rate was 0.3% or the same as the flu, and under the age of 60, close to zero.  Pharma and State propaganda declaimed that false PCR tests which pick up nothing, and were never originally developed to test for a ‘virus’, identified the presence of Sars II leading to ‘cases’ of illness and this was the basis of most policy decisions.  Remove the fake testing and the scam imploded. 

We saw this in the UK when the ‘free’ (taxpaid) PCR and LFT tests were retired.  Once the free PCR testing was removed the entire scamdemic melted away (as it had already done in February 2022 after Vlad the Invader got busy in the 51rst US state, formerly known as the Uketopia).  However, Wellcome Trust and the WHO have plans to make the PCR test ‘mandatory’ for healthy people, during a declared ‘pandemic’, as defined by the WHO (Kill Gates, Pharma, Governments).


Stabbinations Kill

Florida as an example of Stabbination carnage: Data analysis of Florida Health confirms that the stabbinations killed far more people than Corona.  In Florida, there are four major, distinct waves of death, two before the “vaccine” and two after.  Before the quackcine the official covid mortality only manages to represent a mere 1.2% of all deaths.  After the “vaccine” covid deaths literally explode.  Read more here.


New data from the UK regarding “vaccine” deaths: A not-so-surprising UK government report reveals that 92% of all covid deaths in 2022 occurred among those who had received three doses of the “vaccine,” among non-covid deaths, mortality rates were up to 30 times higher among triple “vaccinated” people than the unvaccinated and mortality rates among the “vaccinated” have grown significantly over time.  In the UK we have about 150.000 dead post stabbination or 5 times the total of those who died from Corona.  Even among non-COVID-19 deaths, mortality rates of the triple ‘vaccinated’, are as much as 30 times higher compared to the ‘unvaccinated’.  Read more here.


New World Passport Order

mRNA passports: The WEF, Bilderberg group, the Club of Rome and the 200 or so people that run the planet, want a global vaccine template enforced across 8 billion people and 190 countries. They tried to implement a stabbination passport during the Corona scamdemic. The amount of money to be made, and the amount of control to be handed to governments is of course boundless.  The Fascism evinced by the Corona scamdemic template is quite likely just a pilot project.  COVAX supports this thesis.


$cientism, and Global Quackcines: The global vaccine project entitled COVAX is coordinated worldwide by WHO, GAVI, CEPI, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in liaison with the World Economic Forum, the Wellcome Trust (who has milked billions from the HIV virus scam), DARPA and Big Pharma which is increasingly dominated by the Pfizer-GSK partnership established barely four months before the onset of the covid-19 crisis in early January 2020. The objective is a globally mandated mRNA stabbination schedule tied to a digital passport document recording proof of injection. Read more here.

Bottom line: We are likely in an interregnum, a period of calm, before the next plandemic is initiated and the Corona template of fake tests, face diapers, mRNA stabbinations and Lockdowns is enforced for either a climate ‘emergency’ or a new ‘scariant’ declared lethal by the WHO and Gates.

$cientism and its inherent Anti-White, Anti-Christian bigotry

Fundamental elements in the Cultural Marxist, Globalist assault on White formerly Christian states.

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The UK is key to Globalism and its plans

The UK is a central pillar in the NWO and State $cientism.  The UK has political, economic, and military clout and reach. It is the creator of the English language which is in essence the global lingua franca. It still retains moral and persuasive importance and standing in the world.


It is however, from the UK that the uncivilised and degrading philosophies of the 19th century emanated, which set the stage for the deconstruction of ‘Western civilisation’ in the 21rst.  Jenner and the quackcines leading to the tyrannical-medical state, Darwin and the non-science of evolution and materialism leading to false science, Lyell and long ages leading to disbelief and geological unreason; Marx in London with dialectical communism leading to state aggrandizement; the freemasons and various other ‘scientists’ and philosophers who developed the mechanical and the materialistic to explain all of life and ‘progress’ with the intent to destroy Christianity and replace it with ‘scientism’, which ‘mutated’ to State control using technology, ‘reason’ and ‘science’.  The 19th century for all its engineering and technological marvels and improvements has its dark side.


The Quacks, Politicians, Business and Patronage

In the 19th century in the UK we have the development of the corporatist templates in the form of Royal Societies, Academies of Science, Medicine, Vaccination, Epidemiology and sundry other controlling groups of ‘experts’, ‘scientists’, ‘Sirs and Lords’, who were paid to engage with business to implement government policy upon the masses, with the peasants forced to cede to the ‘experts’, the ‘scientists’ and the knighted aristocracy.  In other words, the modern ‘Scientocracy’ was being built in the 19th century. 


In the UK we can see the 19th century templates extended by technology, finance and state power in the 21rst.  It is a multi-layered approach which can be applied to any country.  It is a complexity of world-views, metaphysics, political arrangements, money and profiteering, and ‘science’ and technology.


Globalist Dogma

Within the UK, with its WEF Prime Minister, there is the obeisance to the WEF-UN-WHO agenda of a one world communist-fascist state of governance exemplified by the Corona test pilot (both doctrines are similar, fascism does not express itself in racialism necessarily).  Cashless societies, Vaccine/stabbination ID cards, AI, transhumanism, depopulation, the centrality of ‘climate’ as the defining ‘challenge’, 20 minute ‘smart’ cities, the ‘velocity’ and transnationalism of everything, are some of the main pillars of thought and action which pollute almost all policy and direction.  

Nationally, the dogma everywhere is that the state is the only arbiter of truth, ‘science’, welfare and health, with the quackcines and stabbinations are the highest form of medical ‘$cience’.  A key UK theological position is open borders and the destruction of nation states, including its own, and the replacement of the native population.  The Parlimentary Uniparty, the experts and quackademics all proclaim, that the UK for example, is just a country of immigrants, so open borders to replace an aging and childless population is not only sensible, but historically consistent, and besides Anglo-Saxons never existed. In fact the litany of idiocy is long and exhausting including gender mental illness, Islamophilia, EUphilia, the never ending Ukraine war (now a US territory), the end of hydrogen-carbon energy and ‘fighting’ the rather amorphous climate changing thingy.


It is not a ‘cockup’ that in every White G20 country the agendas, the plans, the propaganda, the words, the implementations are the same.


The False, Fake narrative of Love

The mendacious narrative of these cults is around: “Diversity, Tolerance and Inclusion”. Antifa, BLM, various Gay cults, and others rountinely use this mantra or variations demanding a ‘No’ to White fascism or racism and inclusion for all. It is found on almost every corporate ‘values’ statement. But it is lie. If you are White, Christian, or do not conform to the state-corporatist theologies, you can be sacked, attacked, visited by the police and worse. These States and corporations will not vilify you, if you are Muslim, Hindhu, or Black of course. Witness the recent Muslim anger in Canada, as Muslim parents demonstrated outside schools against the LGBTQZ++ propaganda and illness. If they had been White parents, most likely they would have been arrested. Corporate and Government ‘values’ seem decidedly anti-White, anti-Christian.


The theological premise of it all:  Anti-White Racism and Christophobia

In my opinion, the entire deep, coordinated, planned and organised phalanx is based in large part, on a real and visceral anti-White racism and a deep hatred by many cults of Christianity.  Antifa and BLM (burn loot and murder) who use violence and fascist techniques against mostly White and Christian targets are two examles out of dozens that can be listed. The planned eradication of Christianity and White majority states is real.  This can only be done if the elite convince a majority of White people in their home states, that they should be replaced, their world based on hydrogen-carbon energy deconstructed, and their history, culture, language, technology, religion, science, education, art, statues, architecture and other exploits pulled down and linked to the sins of the enslavement of Blacks, colonialism and racial crimes. 


Today Whites are blamed for Muslim and Black crime, Muslim or Black poverty or Blacks killing Blacks. The excuse for excessive Black and Muslim crime is usually ‘racism’ which leads to ‘poverty’, or historical slavery, or the fact that modern ‘education’ and ‘employment’ is racist, built by Whites to keep out non-Whites. The mass enslavement of Whites by other Whites including Vikings, Romans, Greeks, Americans (indentured labour some 500.000), English (Saxon, indentured labour) and Australians (400.000 child and indentured labour), along with massive White enslavement by various Muslim empires and caliphates is never discussed. Also ignored is the current enslavement by Blacks and Muslims of Blacks in modern Eastern and Central Africa, the enslavement of Black Christians by Black Muslims, the sex enslavement of Black Christian women by Muslims and the Muslim slaving of Hindhus in the Gulf States.



Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the Word. Yet the elite can engage in the manufacturing of endless attacks focusing on ‘Islamophobia’, ‘Homophobia’ (half our Christian priests might be Gay), the non-existent ‘dark ages’, Catholic child sex abuse (by gay priests), the ‘Galileo’ nonsense (completely inane if you bother to look at it), and other Church crimes including child labour and orphanage slavery.  No such criticism (justifiable it must be said), is applied on the same subjects to schools, industrialisation, big business, open borders migrations, the 1400 year Muslim Jihad against Christians, Muslims (who sex trafficked 1 million white girls in the UK), or the queer-tranny cult where child abuse, rape and porn production and consumption is legion, to mention just a few of the cults which are off limits to criticism.  State criticism is very selective.

Currently we see the US and UK governments actively prosecuting Christians who offend the state’s Muslim or Queer/Tranny pets or who pray at abortion clinics. 250 churches have been attacked in the past year in the US, and Christian organisations in both nations have been attacked and prosecuted by the State for not catering to state dogma or for ‘wrongthink’ on gender, Corona, and Muslims.


Mass invasion of the UK may lead to a reversal of Brexit at some point

In the UK the elite, the un-civil service and other experts and academics will likely force a return to the German EU-Reich. This is an important part of their plan to transact Globalism. They need to make the UK small.  By replacing Whites with massive immigration from Muslim states, Africa and India, it will eradicate the roots of Anglo-Saxon British culture and history.  It will force Christianity into further retreat and compromise, in a country still nominally if not actively Christian.  It will efface cultural and national strength and confidence. 


There is no reason to expect that in the future, in say 2040 when 40% of the UK is non-White, and a vast plurality are not Christian, that a majority of Muslim or African immigrants with their descendants will support a sovereign UK state.  They have no memory, knowledge or feeling of being ‘British’.  They will vote for more welfare, money, ease of travel, affirmative action and lofty UN-EU rhetoric on rights, and the protection and indeed glorification of their supposed religion or cult as granted to them by politicians from their own circle and from within the State. The State’s objective is to replace the emotional attachment people have to land, culture, history and blood, with devotion to itself and its demands.



Cultural Marxism is in power everywhere. Almost every State policy now in train, at every level of government, is suffused with cultural Marxism, and contains many elements of White and Christian hatred.  This vicious exogenous and endogenous assault, occurring at all levels and on all sides against majority-White Western countries, which were once Christian, are endless and accelerating.  They are accelerating because the State and their Corporate allies are financing, promoting, training, and leading most of it. In the case of the State, it has the police and military at its disposal to coerce and enforce compliance.


Submit or be debanked, de-lifed

When Whites, Christians and their culture are thus demoralised, demeaned and shamed, they will submit to transnational and global authority, all based on the ‘science’ and ‘human values’.  To speed up the process the ‘Science’ and the State will de-job, de-bank, and if need be, imprison and de-life an opponent or those ‘hesitators’ who refuse to bend knees to non-Whites and ‘the science’, who deny the ‘climate emergency’, that men can be women, who don’t partake in the mRNA injections, who subbornly will not use digital currencies and IDs, or those who refuse to declare that being White is racist, or that multi-culturalism is superiority to Christian and Anglo-Saxon culture.


Such people are enemies of the State and $cientism. They are beyond the pale and the ad hominems and threats used against those who did not believe in the Corona scamdemic will be used again in the not so distant future with greater vitriol and violence.


In summary the long 3000 year history of White Civilisation appears to be ending.

$cience and the HIV 'virus' - another scam to create a U$ 500 billion industry

AIDS is not spread by the mythical HIV virus.

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The Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV virus is a hoax.  It is a multi-billion-dollar market, a market so vast it is almost as well-oiled with money as ‘cancer research’ another corrupt and fraudulent industry.  As with the Corona nonsense, the real origins, symptoms, and treatments were and are still hidden and anyone who uncovers the truth about HIV and AIDS is silenced.  HIV as a falsified pandemic, creating an industry generating billions in funding and is quite similar in mendacity, fraud and corruption to the smallpox quackcines hoax of the 19th century.


The scam

HIV drugs comprise a massive $500 billion industry.  No one knows what causes AIDS and those who do research and have ideas and endeavour to discover the origins and treatments for AIDS, are censored.  In other words, the reigning paradigm of false science and endless drugs is just another mafia racket.


The Fake Virus and real racism

In the 1980s AIDS was marketed as a NEW sexually transmitted disease which was passed in viral form, from monkeys to humans through sexual intercourse in Africa, then spread further by Gay sex.  This is about as degenerate a ‘racist’ slur as one can make up – Black men raping monkeys.  Then magically, the ‘virus’ infected gay Black lovers apparently in Africa, jumped over to America and spread further from there.  The Gay community in America and elsewhere was accused of generating a ‘pandemic’. 


The HIV fairy-tale is a ridiculous, irrational, anti-scientific, bigoted and racist story.  It is almost as bad as the fiction from the quack Jenner, that horse pus in the hooves of a horse would be transferred and infect a cow, causing its teats to become infected with ‘cow smallpox’, and that the pus and fluid from these ulcerated teats when injected into your shoulder would prevent ‘human smallpox’.


In fact, AIDS was likely a byproduct of various stabbinations in Africa and elsewhere which degenerated the immune system as all the ‘vaccines’ surely do; combined with drugs, poor sanitation, illicit sexual habits, complicated by normal infectious diseases. 


Evidence is pretty overwhelming that the HIV virus itself is a hoax.  In fact, the HIV virus has never been identified and it has precious little to do with Africa or monkeys.

["HIV=AIDS: Fact or Fraud? A Stephen Allen film.]


Who gets HIV-AIDS?

AIDS is confined mainly to drug users and gay and bisexual men in specific urban neighbourhoods in most countries.  It is not found in the normal heterosexual population who are not ingesting drugs into the bloodstream or who do not have sex with bisexual men.  AIDS appears to be an affliction of poor health habits, sexual profligacy, drugs and insanitary living.  No one knows what really causes AIDS. It is quite likely as Nobel prizing winning chemist Kary Mullis concluded, that AIDS is a label covering many different diseases and symptoms.


No control group experimentation

As with Corona or Smallpox no control group experimentation has been done – a sure signal of fraud.  The HIV ‘correlation argument’ has never been proven using controlled studies for the three major risk groups: transfusion recipients, hemophiliacs, and drug abusers.  None. 


The Magic Virus and a new industry

US biomedical researcher Robert Gallo found immediate stardom when in 1984 he claimed to have identified a deadly virus, new to humanity, as the cause of AIDS.  I assume that he was amply rewarded for his ‘heroic science’.  It was a magical apparition.  The microbe Gallo said he had found became known as HIV.  Gallo purportedly said he ‘was forced to find something’ by government and pharma.  The factcheckers will declare that statement to be false.  There is no evidence however of an HIV virus causing AIDS.


The Cure

A failed cancer drug called AZT, was pulled off the shelf by American government researchers because of an apparent anti-HIV effect, forced on sufferers, killing and injuring thousands. It was administered in high doses not just to people with AIDS but to gay men, haemophiliacs and others thought to be HIV-infected, earning hundreds of millions of pounds for the US drug company Burroughs Wellcome and its British parent, the Wellcome Foundation (later taken over by Glaxo). American and British government institutions promoted it vigorously as the ‘gold standard’ of AIDs treatment. Doctors who publicly objected were de-registered, de-licensed and silenced.  Sounds familiar to me


After 40 years of research and endless money ‘the science’ has failed to bring either a vaccine or cure for the purported ‘HIV’ infection. Taken over long periods, the drugs themselves can kill, contributing significantly to the 800 or so deaths reported annually of ‘people living with HIV’ in the UK.



HIV and the AIDS ‘pandemic’ is a U$ 500 billion or so market size.  Since the 1980s, hundreds of billions have been poured into AIDS research and treatment through the US National Institutes of Health, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) under the then leadership of ‘Dr’ Anthony Fauci. Well-funded NGOs and activist groups have been formed to access the money.  AIDS has been the 2nd largest target of ‘medical’ funds in US history, just behind cancer and for more of the 80s and 90s ahead of cancer funding.


Kary Mullis and evidence

Kary Mullis a Nobel prize wining chemist, who invented the PCR test, originally developed the technology to combat the AIDS epidemic by copying and analysing infected DNA. Mullis stated that AIDS is caused by a constellation of issues and some 30 diseases are relabelled AIDS (minute 17).


For the record in his own words, the PCR test has nothing to do with testing for a Corona-virus. The Corona scamdemic was in large part a fake test-demic.


Mullis was murdered (my opinion) in August 2019 just before the Corona scam was unleashed. Mullis along with many other scientists have testified that there is no body of scientific evidence demonstrating the validity of the ‘deadly new virus’ idea.  This fact is still true today, despite hundreds of thousands of papers having been published over the years predicated on the HIV belief system.


Henry Bauer, a retired professor of science studies who has drawn on numerous sources in documenting The Case Against HIV, says: ‘Anyone open to looking at the actual data . . . can find an enormous amount of evidence that the diagnosis of HIV as cause of AIDS is simply wrong.’


Scientist and immunologist Peter Duesberg in ‘Inventing the AIDS Virus’ asks some questions which have never been answered:

  • If HIV causes AIDS, why have thousands of AIDS victims never had HIV?

  • Why have hundreds of thousands who have had HIV - for many years - remained perfectly healthy?

  • Why does the discoverer of the HIV virus (Gallo) now claim it cannot be the sole cause of AIDS?
  • Why has more than ten years of AIDS research - costing tens of billions of dollars - failed to show how (or even if) HIV causes AIDS or attacks the immune system?

The British Medical Journal confirms that HIV does not cause AIDs.


Books you shouldn’t read

Many failures and lies of HIV and AIDS are documented by Robert Kennedy Jr in his best-selling 2021 book The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.  Other good works include:

·        Joan Shenton, 'Positively False; Exposing the myths around HIV and AIDS'

·        Neville Hodgkinson, 'AIDS: The failure of contemporary science'

·        Peter Duesberg, 'Inventing the AIDS Virus'

·        Peter Duesberg (editor), 'AIDS; Virus or drug induced?'

·        Peter Duesberg, 'Infectious AIDS: Have we been misled?'

·        Robert Root-Bernstein, 'Rethinking AIDS; The tragic cost of premature consensus'

·        Jad Adams, 'AIDS; The HIV myth'

·        Jon Rappoport, 'AIDS Inc.; Scandal of the century'

As with the smallpox stabbination scam, the HIV virus myth provided the elite, government and pharma with a template to impose a ‘cure’ on unsuspecting innocents, creating a massive US$ 500 billion market.  It was in some ways a test pilot for the Corona fascism.